Discussions about demographics are typically focused on trends in fertility/morbidity and immigration/emigration, and these are what matter at the national level. But at the local level, trends on internal migration are also important. Statistics Canada has been publishing data on inter-provincial migration for years, but there's only so much you can get out of them. Migration trends within large provinces such as Ontario and Quebec may be more important for local service providers than inter-provincial trends.
Happily, Statistics Canada started publishing data on migration flows between Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and between non-CMA regions in its Cansim Table 051-0065. It's still not as good as the county-to-county migration flows data published by the US Census Bureau, but it's a start. Moreover, the series begin in 2011, so there's a limit to the information you can extract from them.
That said, my first pass at what we can learn from these internal migration data is below the fold.
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