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When I look at the German health system , I find all this Banting stuff totally misleading.

German Health care is neither private nor government but "öffentlich rechtlich". The overwhelming institutions do no go by any "state" ("Länder") borders. Given that the largest German state, North Rhine Westfalia, counts 17 Mio people, vs the Austrian 7 Mio, to characterize them as (maybe even more) centralized, is at least strange.

21 of the 31 Countries of the IMF definition of "developed markets" (pretty close to the OECD group) are smaller than the largest German province

One thing on the reschedule list, how is the minimum wage / unemployment in Ontario doing?

It would be interesting to compare NOW to the US

Hi Livio,

coming back to http://worthwhile.typepad.com/worthwhile_canadian_initi/2014/07/the-real-minimum-wage.html

and looking at http://www.stats.gov.nl.ca/statistics/Labour/PDF/UnempRate_Monthly.pdf

I dont see any impact (http://de.slideshare.net/genauer/sampler-2-of-imf-2014-weo-data-plots) (with some fantasy some negative 0.2% ? ! ) on relative unemployment numbers in Ontario vs the rest of Canada, with an eyeballed upper sensitivity limit of about 0.2% for Ontario.

Would you agree with that ?

Hi Genauer:
The real minimum wage post I did several months ago looked at youth unemployment rather than the overall unemployment rate. Nonetheless, it is difficult picking out a relationship using just plots. All the best for the New Year!

Hi Livio!

A somewhat late Happy New Year to you too.

I actually tried to look up the youth unemployment in Canada by province and month, but failed.

It would be interesting, because we just started with the minimum wage in Germany this New Year, but all data here are convoluted with lots of other stuff, Greeeeece, Ukraine, embargos here, stupid stuff there, ......

Germany just started a minimum wage this year? Out of curiosity, may I ask what it was set it and how it relates to average wages?

The minimum wage in Germany was set to 8.5 Euro / hour, that would be 10.37 Dollar / hour with a "fair value" of 1.22 USD / Euro

Average wage in 2013 was 19.65 Euro. That would be more like 20.85 Euro in 2015 with 2 years times 3% wage increases (metal workers 5%)

http://www.cecu.de/durchschnittsgehalt.html (no newer or english data available)

8.5 / 20.85 = 40.8% minimum wage fraction for all of Germany, about 50% for the eastern provinces ("Länder", like Sachsen)

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