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"After a summer of mockery and dismissiveness, the government and its supporters have created a significant constituency that now believes that the census is a tool of its political opponents."

This is the greatest harm caused by the whole census debacle - the erosion of trust and social capital.

I agree Frances. If they burned up Statcan's hard-earned reputation for some kind of positive political return, at least I could understand why they did it. Not like it, but understand it. But, and perhaps this is why I'm a pointy-headed academic instead of a political strategist, I can't even see where they gained politically on this. What a waste.

And this is what makes me drift to pondering Stephen Taylor-esque theories that the attack on SC's reputation was a *goal* and not a *tool* in the pursuit of some greater electoral goal.

Stephen Can you do an update on this post. http://worthwhile.typepad.com/worthwhile_canadian_initi/2006/06/factor_shares_c.html

I was a census taker this year (in the US). I was expecting lots of refusals, and lots of blatantly false answers. Surprisingly, though I did have a few refusals, I had virtually no responses that smelled of mendacity. I'm confident that everybody who talked to me gave me correct information. So the premise of this question seems to me to be unsound.

On an unrelated note, I was also surprised that people's political views had little influence on their attitude toward the census. I expected that liberals with Obama stickers and Gay Freedom flags would be happy to talk to me, and conservatives with NRA stickers and Don't Tread on Me flags hostile. That turned out to be totally off-base. There was absolutely no correlation between political views and attitude toward the census.

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