The Alberta Royalty Review panel has just released its final report (105-page pdf). It echoes sentiments I voiced earlier, and advocates increasing a 20% increase in royalties:
Oil sands royalties were set at a time when the very few participants in a fledgling industry were struggling. The royalty and tax regime for oil sands no longer reflects a fair share and balance between owners (Albertans) and the growing number of producers.
Alberta's market power is growing, and it's hard to see why they wouldn't - or shouldn't - start thinking about how best to make use of it.
I definitely do agree that Alberta doesn't get enough out of it's oil game. And as a Newfoundlander, I can speak from recent local events that when push comes to shove, oil companies are willing to pay more.
The sentiments of your quotation were echoed in today's Globe, even - by a CEO for a junior oil company.
Posted by: Andrew | September 19, 2007 at 03:25 PM